We can all agree that 2020 has been a bit funny. New Zealand has been quite lucky and dodged the bullet with a quick strict lockdown back in March. Since then, one minor outbreak of COVID-19 in August has been
Category: "Blog"
The PIC Costal Classic 2019 Yacht Race
The PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race from Auckalnd’s Devonport Wharf to Russell Wharf in the Bay of Islands, is New Zealand’s premier fleet yacht race and has been held annually at Labour weekend since its inception in 1982. Apparently, it
Surfing in Maldives
As mentioned in my first Winter Getaway 2019 post, I arrived to Himmafushi on one of the biggest swell days in July. The waves were peeling perfectly and there weren’t many people out in the water. It was just too
Maldives – Himmafushi
A week has gone by and I barely had a little bit of time to put the previous post together. I took lots of books on my trip because I assumed I’ll quickly get bored on this little island. Gosh
Winter Getaway 2019
Shortly after starting with my new job at BGT Structures I left for 5 weeks of holiday. Well, in 2018 I’ve only been to Queenstown couple of times so I think an overseas trip was seriously overdue. Not that the
My Next Career Move
As many of you already know, when I got to New Zealand I got a job within the first working day. It took me by surprise before I had any other necessity organised, such as accommodation, car,… I haven’t even
It Has Been a While…
I haven’t posted anything for a while now. My last post is from Vancouver a year and a half ago. Nonetheless, still alive & kickin’! We had quite a busy year at work last year and most of my weekly
Vancouver je kul!
Pravzaprav sem imel kar srečo, da sem sploh prišel v Vancouver. Slabo uro se je zatikalo že v Salvadorju na letališču, kjer možakar online ni našel moje ESTA vize za tranzit čez Ameriko. Pri vkrcanju na letalo Los Angelesa –
(Ne)zanimivosti El Salvadorja #2
Po začetnih dnevih ob obali smo se za par dni odpravili tudi v notranjost Salvadorja. Ustavili smo se v San Miguel-u, kjer sem pri zdravniku prosil za injekcijo proti tetanusu. Po tem ko sem se porezal, sem se spomnil, da
El Salvador #1
Po očaranem obisku Slovenije me je pot vodila v Salvador. S kolegom Maticem, ki ga poznam iz Nove Zelandije, sva splanirala dvotedensko potovanje po tej državici. Zakaj Salvador? Zakaj država, ki ima eno najvišjih stopenj kriminala na svetu? Odgovor je